We've now been in our new home for almost two months and time has flown by! Almost all the moving boxes have been unpacked, and we're slowly starting to collect the stuff we stored at the in-laws. My father-in-law dropped off the kids' basketball hoop earlier this week and I hope our neighbors haven't minded the 'thunk-thunk' of basketballs at 8am! One thing I've noticed, now that the weather is turning mild, is that it's so noisy here from all the birds! The river really attracts them and they're a pretty vocal group. It's a much nicer sound though, than all the traffic noise we used to hear from Lake Michigan Dr. Don't miss that sound at all! Another neat thing we've discovered is that the GVSU Crew team practices on the Grand River and we've seen them several times as they've rowed by our property! The kids enjoy 'chasing' them as far as they can go, before the boats slip around the bend. As far as projects go-we...