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Showing posts from May, 2017

Roofing Project is Underway!

Wow! That's all I can say about everything that's been happening over here! Nick and his dad have been working almost non-stop on our big roofing project this week, (while still working their full time jobs as well!), and things are progressing nicely. Earlier in the week the back porch was completely ripped down and then framed in. Thursday they started prepping the roof and realized things were in worse condition than we had originally thought. This led to an unexpected trip to Lowes for sheeting and then a mad scramble to get shingles ripped out and the new sheeting put in place. Potluck dropped off the roll-away we rented Thursday night and our yard really started looking like a construction site! Friday morning things got kicked off with a pancake breakfast and then it was work time with getting fascia up. We are so blessed to have friends and family who showed up at 8am and stayed ALL day helping us out! And then some who came after work, ready to help out into the ev...

Our First Big Project has Begun: The Roof {and all the bits n' pieces connected to it}

As spring settles in we've begun our first big project. The roof over the main part of the house is newer and in good shape but the two wings, 3-season porch and back porch all had roofing issues that needed to be fixed. The wings include the kitchen, office, master bedroom and master bathroom. When it rains hard it actually rains in the office! But a house as old as ours always comes with extra complications and it became obvious very quickly that one of our biggest challenges would be addressing sagging roof-lines. Nick discovered that the 3-season porch roof had sections that sagged 6 inches; the back porch sagged 4 and 5 inches in spots. All of that had to be fixed before the new roof shingles could be put on. As Nick and his dad, Don, started working on shoring up the 3-season porch they realized that the office ceiling really needed to be re-done as well. As they started tearing into that they discovered the water damage was worse than we originally had thought, and we also...