Lots going on over here as we continue to unpack and settle in. We've done numerous small projects and Nick patched some of the more dire spots on the roof, we added a couple of cabinets to the kitchen to give us more cupboard space, got the new curtains and blinds hung up and then I've been working with my sister-in-law and mother-in-law to decorate the living room, (more on this later). We've also been cat-sitting my uncle's cat, while he recovers from an accident, and she's made herself at home in our spare bathroom's sink! Its been a very busy few days and things are really starting to come together nicely!
We're also starting to look at the bigger projects that need to be done. Since we're cash flowing everything, we're being very intentional about what order we do things in. We're getting things lined up and will be starting a couple of structural projects later this year. While we're waiting on those though, we've turned our focus to the outside. With the weather being unseasonably warm, we worked on cleaning up old leaves and tree debris from the front yard last weekend. And then we turned our attention to the backyard, and started a long term project of unearthing all of the buried walkways that have been hidden underneath years of dirt and overgrowth. We're still finding paths yet and it will probably take at least two
years to get everything uncovered and cleaned up. It's such a fun
project though, and it's something the whole family is enjoying working