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Update on Our Spring Projects

It's been a busy time over here, as Nick has continued to work on the roof and all the other things that go along with this large project. He's completely rebuilt our back porch and the new windows, door and siding are now up! The new siding is almost the same color as the painted siding on the rest of the house, it's crazy how close it matches! It looks a lot cleaner though, without the spots of peeling paint and fading. The new white edging really looks sharp as well. We'll be slowly replacing all the siding and trim on the house, and the similar colors will make the transition period less awkward.

The roof is pretty much done, except for a bit of flashing that needs to be completed this weekend. Nick has also started installing fascia lighting by the back porch/back of house. This will really modernize things and make our back yard more accessible after dark.

As Nick's working on these projects Alora's been hard at work planting flowers and making things pretty. We bought a push mower and Violet has claimed it as her own, she'd mow every day if I'd let her! I've also started weed whacking the ridiculous amount of growth that's popped up on the back hillside. Next spring we'll have to pre-treat the area, but this summer I'll just keep working on keeping things from becoming too overgrown.

With all that's going on we haven't had a lot of downtime, but we are making time to try out our new kayaks. We can launch right from our back yard onto the Grand River and land at the Eastmanville Bayou on 68th Ave. It doesn't get any better than that :)